Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What the heck is wrong with me

Trying to Conceive. It sounds like it should be such a wonderful and happy statement.

We're not necessarily *TRYING* to conceive like religiously- but we're not avoiding it either. I've started doing all the things your suppose to do: taking prenatal vitamins, drinking 64+oz of water a day, exercising (again, this I need to do regardless), I haven't had alcohol in months.... I mean you name it, I've done it. We've read, "What to expect before your expecting"... we're ready, but again not religiously trying.

I'm so afraid. I guess I though that once I stopped using contraception, I'd magically get pregnant- well that time has come, and gone. So now what happens? Yes, like I get it, my body is still adjusting, we're trying to figure out how exactly this whole monthly cycle works without hormones directing you where to go and what to do- it's a whole new venture, but it's still scary.

What if- we can't get pregnant? How can something that seems SO simple be SO scary. I've spent my whole life avoiding the one thing that I now want- I know how to *NOT* get pregnant, but how do you *GET* pregnant (okay, I get HOW a baby is made, my parents DID have that talk with me).

I know I shouldn't worry about that, and "when it's meant to be it will be"... but there's that voice in the back of my head that says, "what if I can't get pregnant" then what?


Shell said...

Big Hug! Nothing is wrong with you--not for wanting it and for it not happening!

Sharon said...

Ditto Shelly.

For what it's worth, I had all of those fears too. I wish there was something magical I could say to make you feel better. I have complete and total faith that it will happen for you.